Asian Wedding Planning Timeline

When you get engaged, it’s the start of an exciting journey of planning your dream marriage. There are many factors involved in organizing a impeccable bridal, from choosing the ideal location to choosing the ideal shooter. It is important to have a solid Asiatic marriage timetable in order to maintain your big day is anything you’ve ever dreamed of as also keeping all of your wedding details organized.

First, you’ll want to lock in your date, making sure it corresponds with any schedules of any traveling guests and does n’t conflict with any other significant commitments or events that are taking place during this time. In order to track Rsvps, manage communication, and other things, it’s a great time to start talking about your guest list with your parents. Zola’s wedding guest list manager can also assist.

Next, you can start looking into venue options and booking vendors. Consult with them at this point to see how they can best assist you through the ceremony planning process and provide guidance on etiquette and traditions if you plan to have any cultural ceremonies like a Dai Kam Jie, or chaperone. At this point, many families also make the decision to consult with a Feng Shui master.

At this time, you’ll also want to book entertainment providers like choreographers, Djs, and emcees as well as transportation companies so you can transport your family throughout the day if necessary. This is the ideal time to begin price negotiations as well.