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Commodity Currencies Weekly Technicals 18 December 2013

NZD/USD – Daily Chart


Could have ended a minor Elliott wave abc correction at .8336 and stays bearish while below it


NZD/USD rose in three distinctive waves, a, b and c, from its .8084 November low to last week’s high at .8336.

We will therefore have a short term bearish outlook while no daily chart close above the .8336 high is being made.

The significant support zone seen at .8166/.8084 (200 day moving average, October low, 50% retracement, July peak and November trough) is thus back in the picture.

Should a drop through the .8084 low be seen, the psychological .8000 zone and then the .7886/.7683 region (200 week moving average and the June to August lows) will be back on the map.

We will retain our view of a top being formed and the currency pair declining at the beginning of 2014 as long as NZD/USD stays below the .8408/16 November highs.

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Published Date: 18th December 2013
Category: Research-Articles


Strategy 18 December 2013

AUD/USD – recent low not confirmed, tighten up stops on shorts


AUD/USD is under pressure and the focus is on the .8848 August low. Our short term target remains the base of the base of a 2 year down channel at .8745 – this is expected to hold the initial test. We note that the daily RSI has yet to confirm the new low of .8883 and we would tighten up stops on shorts accordingly.

However longer term we are bearish and longer term targets are found at .8550 en route to .8068.

Intraday rallies should now struggle on rallies to .8975/.9000 and provided that the topside is capped by the .9140 resistance line, we will maintain an immediate negative bias.

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Published Date: 18th December 2013
Category: Research-Articles


Commodity Weekly 17 December 2013

S&P GSCI Total Return Index

Market has failed ahead of the 50% retracement and is back under pressure.

The S&P GSCI Total Return Index failed just ahead of the 50% retracement of the move down from August, this is located at 4872. We view the high at 4846 as a corrective peak and look for the market to come under increasing downside pressure.
The market faces tougher resistance, which is located at 4930/41, which is the 61.8% retracement and the high seen in October. We look for this to hold the topside and provoke failure.
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Published Date: 17th December 2013
Category: Research-Articles


Bullion Weekly Technicals 17 December 2013

Gold – Daily Chart

We expect to see further short term range trading and thus keep our neutral forecast

Gold remains sidelined and did bounce as expected last week before giving back most of last week’s gains.
We will retain our short term neutral view while it remains above the current December low at 1211.57 on a daily chart closing basis.
While this remains the case the 55 day moving average at 1283.79 and the 2013 downtrend line at 1301.70 may well be reached but should then cap.
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Published Date: 17th December 2013
Category: Research-Articles


FX Emerging Markets Weekly 16 December 2013

EUR/PLN – Daily Chart

Stays sidelined above the 78.6% Fibonacci retracement at 4.1523

EUR/PLN is still hovering above the 78.6% Fibonacci retracement of the April-to-June rise at 4.1523 but continues to be sidelined.
As long as 4.1523, the November low at 4.1517 and the 4.1443 September low underpin, further sideways trading remains on the cards. We will retain our short term slightly bearish view while the 200 day moving average at 4.2092 and the November peak at 4.2204 cap.
If bettered, the 50% retracement and the late September high at 4.2318/4.2403 could be reached, though.
Further range trading should be seen into year end with the currency pair expected to stay below the 4.3098 September high. As long as this is the case, the odds favour a retest of the September low at 4.1443 at some stage. Failure there on a weekly basis will mean that a top has been formed with the 200 week moving average at 4.1241 then being in focus.

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Published Date: 16th December 2013
Category: Research-Articles


FX Week 15 December 2013

FX Week

Fate of QE in the balance

Approaching the final two weeks of the year the markets are still seeking an answer to the one unresolved issue that has dominated sentiment since the middle of it; the tapering of QE by the Fed. This issue will be the central one in FX markets in the coming days as the FOMC meets for the final time this year from Tuesday to Wednesday. Thinning liquidity will also add an element of volatility to the proceedings on top of other traditional seasonal factors.

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Published Date: 15th December 2013
Category: Research-Articles


مؤتمر للأسواق المالية يؤكد أهمية تنويع القطاعات الاقتصادية في التعاون

مؤتمر للأسواق المالية يؤكد أهمية تنويع القطاعات الاقتصادية في “التعاون”

Source : Al Khaleej

المصدر : وام

التاريخ : 11/12/2013

أكد خبراء ماليون في ختام أعمال “مؤتمر دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي للأسواق المالية والخزانة” في دبي، الليلة قبل الماضية، أهمية تنويع ودعم نشاطات القطاعات الاقتصادية في الدول الست الأعضاء في المجلس بدلاً من التركيز على قطاع النفط والغاز كرافعة وحيدة للتنمية الشاملة فيها .
لفت المشاركون في المؤتمر، الذي نظمته جمعية الإمارات للمتداولين في الأسواق المالية في مركز دبي المالي العالمي على مدى يومين بمشاركة نحو 500 من كبار المسؤولين الماليين والاقتصاديين في المنطقة وخبراء بنكيين من مختلف دول العالم، إلى أن فوز دولة الإمارات باستضافة دبي لمعرض “إكسبو الدولي 2020” سيكون له تأثير إيجابي بالغ في القطاعات التجارية واللوجستية والسياحية ليس فقط في دولة الإمارات، وإنما في باقي دول مجلس التعاون لدول الخليج العربية .
ودعا الخبراء في مؤتمرهم وهو الأول من نوعه البنوك الوطنية في دول المجلس، إلى التواصل معاً عبر استخدام منصات التداول الحديثة، خصوصاً في مجال تعديل أسعار العملات وتداولات الأسهم وربطها مع البنوك العاملة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا، بهدف دعم استقرار الأسواق المالية الخليجية .

التحول إلى أسواق السلع
كما شددوا على أهمية دراسة ظاهرة تحول المتداولين من أسواق الأسهم إلى أسواق السلع بسبب توفر شفافية أكبر وأرباح أكثر .
وتبادل المشاركون في المؤتمر الذي بدأ أعماله في الثامن من الشهر الحالي الآراء حول سبل تخطي العثرات والمشكلات التي تواجه تسوية الصفقات في الأسواق المالية في منطقة الخليج .
وأتاح المؤتمر في ختام أعماله فرصة عقد لقاءات ثنائية بين ممثلي البنوك والمؤسسات المالية المشاركة لهدف تنسيق خدماتها من المنتجات التي تقدم لعملائها في المنطقة وعقد صفقات وتنظيم منصات تداول مشتركة .
وكان محمد الهاشمي رئيس مجلس إدارة الجمعية قد افتتح فاعليات المؤتمر، حيث ألقى كل من خليفة بن فهيم مدير الاستثمار في المصرف المركزي لدولة الإمارات، وجيفري سنجر المدير التنفيذي لسلطة مركز دبي المالي العالمي، كلمتين رئيستين في الجلسة الافتتاحية .
وعقد المؤتمر خمس جلسات تحدث فيها عدد من كبار الخبراء في مجال التداول في الأسواق المالية ومسؤولو عدد من البنوك العالمية الكبرى العاملة في المنطقة التي لها دراية كاملة بأوضاع الأسواق المالية المحلية في دول الخليج وارتباطاتها بأسواق تداول الأوراق المالية العالمية .

التنويع الاقتصادي
وتناولت الجلسات آفاق وتحديات التنويع الاقتصادي لدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي نظم أسعار الصرف في الإمارات وبقية دول المجلس وأوضاع سوق الأسهم والسلع الأساسية فيها وشهية المنصات الإلكترونية لعملات دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي و”مجموعة ال 10″ من قبل مصارف دول مجلس التعاون والمسائل التنظيمية وتسوية القضايا والمنازعات فيها .
كما سلطت الجلسات الضوء على القضايا الرئيسة التي تواجه مديري الخزانة وخبراء القطاع المالي العاملين في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي بدءاً من أهمية الدور الذي تلعبه الخزانة في مساعدة الشركات على اقتناص فرص النمو الاقتصادي في مرحلة ما بعد الانكماش الاقتصادي، وصولاً إلى مراحل النمو المتسارعة التي شهدها الاقتصاد الإسلامي والدور الحيوي للخزانة في استكشاف الفرص المستقبلية .

حلقتا نقاش
ونظم المؤتمر حلقتي نقاش تناولت الأولى “نظم أسعار الصرف في دولة الإمارات وبقية دول مجلس التعاون”، بينما دارت الثانية حول “سوق الأسهم والسلع الأساسية في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي” .
وتأسست جمعية الإمارات للمتداولين في الأسواق المالية ومقرها دبي نهاية عام ،2011 وتعمل تحت مظلة المنظمة العالمية للمتداولين في البورصات العالمية ” إيه سي آي” ومقرها فرنسا .
وتضم الجمعية في عضويتها حالياً نحو 200 فرد من جنسيات مختلفة لتصبح حلقة وصل بين الجهات الحكومية والمتعاملين في أسواق الأسهم الإماراتية من مواطنين وأجانب وزيادة توعية المتعاملين وإعداد المقترحات حول كيفية النهوض بأسواق الأسهم الإماراتية والمشاركة في إبداء الرأي حول التطورات والمشكلات التي قد تواجه الأعضاء عبر التنسيق مع الجهات الرسمية والمسؤولين في الدولة .
وتسعى الجمعية التي تعد الأولى من نوعها في دولة الإمارات إلى رفع الوعي العام بالأسواق المالية في الإمارات ولتقدم منصة لخبراء المصارف والتمويل من مختلف أنحاء الدولة للتعارف وبناء العلاقات ومناقشة الخطط التي من شأنها تسريع النمو المالي والاقتصادي .


Published Date: 12th December 2013
Category: News


Strategy 11 December 2013

EUR/USD approaching major long term resistance at 1.38-1.40 which is expected to cap the topside

When thinking about our favourite trade for next year, it is clear that despite the fact that we consider the Australian Dollar the currency most likely to be the weakest in the G7 next year, the chart pattern which interests us the most is in fact the longer term chart for EUR/USD. There are a number of technical developments, which need to be highlighted on the longer term EUR/USD charts as they all suggest that the high at 1.3833 charted in October 2013 is likely to be a key intermediate turning point for the market (top).
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Published Date: 11th December 2013
Category: Research-Articles


CS Energy Outlook 2014

Commodity Spotlight Energy

Outlook for 2014: Energy prices remain in comfort zone

In 2014, the global oil market will remain amply supplied thanks to the sharp increase in non-OPEC oil production. US oil production should continue on its rapid upward trajectory. If crude oil from Libya and Iran were additionally to return to the market, OPEC would have to make cuts elsewhere in order to keep the oil market balanced. Unplanned supply outages and the geopolitical tensions in the Middle East argue against any significant slide in oil prices, so we expect to see an average Brent price of $106 per barrel in 2014. With demand high, we believe the diesel crack spread to be well-supported despite rising US exports. US natural gas remains detached and is likely to profit marginally from a recovery of the US economy. Coal should see increased demand, though plentiful supply will limit any rise in its price.

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Published Date: 11th December 2013
Category: Research-Articles


FX Alpha Outlook 2014

FX Alpha

Diverging central bank policies

Diverging central bank policies. It is general market consensus that the Fed will end its QE3 programme next year. This is priced into the USD exchange rates. A step of this nature is unlikely to lead to massively lower EUR-USD prices. However, EUR-USD prices will probably be moderately lower because the Fed will become more predictable again during 2014.

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Published Date: 11th December 2013
Category: Research-Articles


Commodity Currencies Weekly Technicals 11 December 2013

NZD/USD – Daily Chart

Could have ended a minor Elliott wave abc correction at .8336 and stays bearish while below it

NZD/USD rose in three distinctive waves, a, b and c, from its .8084 November low to this week’s .8336 high.
We will therefore have a short term bearish outlook while no daily chart close above the .8336 high is being made.
The significant support zone seen at .8165/.8084 (200 day moving average, October low, 50% retracement, July peak and November trough) is thus back in the picture.
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Published Date: 11th December 2013
Category: Research-Articles


Commodity Weekly 10 December 2013

S&P GSCI Total Return Index

Erosion of 200 day ma suggests unfinished business on the topside

The S&P GSCI Total Return Index eroded its 3 month downtrend and has cleared the 55 and 200 day ma. While we acknowledge that the recent strength is regarded as corrective only still, it is possible that we could see this extend a little further.
The move will shortly encounter the 50% retracement at 4872, but much tougher resistance is located at 4930/41, which is the 61.8% retracement and the high seen in October. We look for this to hold the topside and provoke failure.
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Published Date: 10th December 2013
Category: Research-Articles


Bullion Weekly Technicals 10 December 2013

Gold – Daily Chart

Stabilisation is ongoing and positive divergence points to a bounce, neutralising our forecast

Even though the gold price has not yet taken out the 1257.27 late November high we have decided to neutralise our medium term forecast for the following three reasons:

1) no follow through to the downside has been seen and instead gold has broken out of its one month downtrend channel;

2) the current December low at 1211.57 has been retested late last week and not only held but was followed by a short term reversal to the upside;

3) we can see triple positive divergence on the daily RSI.
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Published Date: 10th December 2013
Category: Research-Articles


FX Emerging Markets Weekly 09 December 2013

EUR/PLN – Daily Chart

Drifts back towards the 78.6% Fibonacci retracement at 4.1523 and thus remains sidelined

EUR/PLN is drifting back down towards the 78.6% Fibonacci retracement of the April-to-June rise at 4.1523.
As long as it, the November low at 4.1517 and the 4.1443 September low underpin, further sideways trading remains on the cards. We will retain our short term slightly bearish view while the 200 day moving average at 4.2082 and the November peak at 422.04 cap.
If bettered, the 50% retracement and the late September high at 4.2318/4.2403 could be reached, though.
Further range trading should be seen into year end with the currency pair expected to stay below the 4.3098 September high. As long as this is the case the odds favour a retest of the September low at 4.1443 at some stage. Failure there on a weekly basis will mean that a top has been formed with the 200 week moving average at 4.1210 then being in focus.
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Published Date: 9th December 2013
Category: Research-Articles


CS Industrial metals 09 December 2013 Outlook 2014

Commodity Spotlight Base Metals

Revival of global economy will support prices in 2014

After 2013 has turned out to be a year of considerable losses, metals should be able to pick up again moderately next year. For one thing, the global economic recovery we envisage should result in reviving demand, China remaining the key driver of demand despite enjoying weaker growth. And for another thing, our opinion is that market estimates of supply are excessive in the case of some metals, and that this is not yet reflected in prices.

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Published Date: 9th December 2013
Category: Research-Articles


FX Week 8 December 2013

FX Week

Mixed USD fortunes

Major currency pairs are taking their lead from central banks, with the USD gaining at the expense of the JPY as Fed ‘tapering’ appears to be drawing nearer, while declines in EUR/USD are being delayed by uncertainty about the future policy direction of the ECB. The coming week will be partly truncated by US Thanksgiving holidays on Thursday, but important data also looms in the Eurozone where November CPI data is released.

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Published Date: 8th December 2013
Category: Research-Articles


CS Precious Metals 13-12-06 Outlook 2014

Commodity Spotlight Precious Metals

Outlook 2014: The lustre is only returning slowly

The gold price is likely to recover from its historic slump this year and increase moderately in 2014. Investment demand should gradually revive. In conjunction with robust demand from Asia, this indicates upward movement in the gold price to $1,400 per troy ounce by the end of 2014. In the wake of gold, and boosted by growing industrial demand, the silver price should also be able to make good some of its losses next year. As a result of supply problems and rising demand, platinum and palladium are also likely to show supply deficits in 2014, supporting higher prices.

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Published Date: 8th December 2013
Category: Research-Articles


CS Agriculture outlook 2014 Dec 13

Commodity Spotlight Agriculturals

Outlook 2014: Many surpluses – for now at least!

Currently there is little sign of a supply shortage for wheat in 2014, nor for oilseed, cotton or corn. Negative price performance could reduce the corn-growing area, particularly in the USA, but this should rovide only moderate price uplift if the large surplus expected in the current season materialises. For coffee prices, given the prospect of a bumper harvest in Brazil, we expect at best a recovery, but no trend reversal. It is a similar tory for sugar, but we see further upside potential for cocoa prices in view of market deficits.

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Published Date: 5th December 2013
Category: Research-Articles


Strategy 04 December 2013

EUR/USD potential rising wedge.


Potential rising wedge pattern remains viable.


EUR/USD remains within confines of the rising wedge pattern. This offers resistance at 1.3635 today and support at 1.3492. We continue to view the pattern as a potential rising wedge pattern and a close below 1.3492 will complete it. We look for the 1.3295/94 zone to be retested (current November low and the 50% retracement of the move up from July).

A close below 1.3492 will target initially 1.3229 then the 61.8% retracement at 1.3166. If we utilise the move down from October and measure down a move of equal magnitude, this would offer a potential longer term target of 1.2892.

Above 1.3650, will allow for another run up to 1.3750, 1.3833 which is expected to provoke failure.

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Published Date: 4th December 2013
Category: Research-Articles


Commodity Currencies Weekly Technicals 04 December 2013

NZD/USD – Daily Chart


Held at .8165/.8084 key support, a fall through which will eye the .7873/.7683 region


NZD/USD is once again trading above the 200 day moving average at .8165, having briefly dipped to .8084 last week.

The .8165/.8084 area represents significant support, made up of the 200 day moving average, the October and early November lows, 50% retracement, July peak and current November trough.

Should a drop through the .8084 low be seen, our forecast of a reversal lower being formed will be confirmed.
In this case the psychological .8000 zone and then the .7879/.7683 region (200 week moving average and the June to August lows) will be back in the picture.

We will retain our view of a top being formed as long as NZD/USD stays below the .8408/16 current November highs. Resistance below this area can be seen along the 55 day moving average at .8299 and the channel resistance line at .8325.

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Published Date: 4th December 2013
Category: Research-Articles